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AristoWood (TM)
Description | Casual furniture & accessories | Railings & fencing | Extruded profiles

Table: The Economics of AristoWood

AristoWood™ is a family of maintenance-free dimensional profiles designed to replicate finished, millwork-grade wood.

This technology minimizes machining, simplifies fabrication, and improves aesthetics. It also can dramatically improve maintenance by eliminating problems such as warping, rotting, splitting, and deteriorating finish.

Learn more about the economics of AristoWood...

The second generation of AristoWood (patent pending) features built-in and concealed connectivity within each profile. It also has a series of interchangeable adapters, creating a complete system. These same profiles can accept connectors for our patented AristoLock™ and AristoFlex™ connectors.

Materials: AristoWood profiles can be made of any extrusion material. However, using rigid foam plastics to create a "solid" core tends to offer best results. With this technique, you can use fasteners from all directions, creating rigid structures (just like with wood).

For example, a cellular PVC version allows fun and quick fabrication. Just cut to length and screw together, or bond with vinyl cement.

Designed to work as a system. You can creatively compose structures out of these unique, standardized elements that will assemble and disassemble quickly. You also can integrate common retail design elements, such as slatwall paneling, sign substrates, wall standards, light boxes, counter tops, roll shutters/grills, etc.

AristoWood has many potential uses. Three example applications are illustrated below (casual furniture and accessories, railings and fencing, and extruded profiles). However, other applications are possible.

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Casual Furniture and Accessories

Bench (illustration) Standing planter (illustration)
Planter box (illustration)

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Railings and Fencing

Railing (illustration) Fencing (illustration)

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Extruded Profiles

Sketches of several possible profile designs

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