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The Need Is the Mother of Invention - and Ingenuity the Mother of craftsmanship

By Antonis Theodorou
May, 1998

At some point in your life, you've probably had a brilliant, unique idea about how to build something — a loft, a toy, a device...

Initially, you probably imagined building it as soon as possible. However (if you're like most people), the more you thought it through, the more reluctant you became to start. You realized that you did not possess the necessary skills, or the craftsmanship.

Today, business leaders frequently complain that craftsmanship is not what it used to be. Businesses can no longer find good craftsmen — causing quality or growth to suffer.

The basic problem is this: Lack of craftsmanship prevents ideas from becoming reality.

However, when alternatives are available that reduce the skill level required to build something, implementing ideas becomes more accessible to more people. In the end, more projects get done.

AristoTechnics aims to simplify craftsmanship without compromising form or function. We develop snap-together, stick-together, lock-together methods. We also try to standardize on some very basic modules. Why shouldn't building an exhibit booth be as easy, creative, and as much fun as playing with a Tinkertoy® set?

In fact, Tinkertoys offer a valuable lesson for all kinds of engineering. This kind of toy allows children to create and build, while requiring minimal skills. Rather than requiring children to first master connecting techniques such as mortising, tennoning, or dovetailing (which altogether add up to craftsmanship), Tinkertoys represent an entirely different approach to construction.

The Tinkertoy approach is used in some projects that adults undertake, but not as much as it could be. This is largely because of a perception problem. Currently, craftsmanship is associated with tools and gadgets — particularly power tools. The message is: "The more tools you have, the better craftsman you are." In reality, this thinking serves only to sell more tools — which, in turn, only perpetuate old techniques.

Real craftsmanship is based on ingenuity and invention. The spirit finds the way because there is a will to realize a unique idea.

We should seek alternatives that reduce the skill level needed to create things. This means that expert system designers will have to put in a lot of work up-front — but that effort certainly will be worthwhile.

Take, for example, the AristoSet™ modular building system. This comprises AristoWood™ smart dimensional profiles (US patent pending), AristoLock™ quick-operating linear couplings (US patent 5,758,988), and AristoFlex™ flexible torsion-less bolts (US patent 5,797,234).

These unique innovations are designed to work together as a system, thus enabling creative and quick composition of structures. They also can work individually, as stand-alone joining technologies. In addition, they are designed to easily combine with common materials such as dimensional lumber, plywood, slatwall, and so on.

The overall AristoSet system concept focuses on pre-finished, maintenance-free, and recyclable materials. It requires virtually no machining to fabricate, and virtually no tools to operate. In essence, it represents craftsmanship made easy — without compromising form or function.

AristoTechnics, Inc. (Sleepy Hollow, IL) has developed these proprietary technologies, which can offer you competitive advantages in the global marketplace.

We are interested in exploring licensing opportunities with select manufacturers in various industries. If your company is in one of the following industries, you may want to learn more about licensing our technologies:

  • Exhibits and displays
  • Furniture for the office or home
  • Industrial tooling and automation
  • Modular building systems, including prefabricated housing
  • Railings and fencing
  • Specialty fasteners (automotive, aerospace, rail, and military)
  • Structural framing (wood, metal, or plastics)

NOTE: Tinkertoy® is a registered trademark of Hasbro Inc.

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