AristoTechnics, Inc. - Technology licensing and consulting, mechanical joining methods and modular systems
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Naturally, we are the best source of knowledge about our own technologies. Let us help you make the most of your access to our intellectual capital.

Our Services

On a consulting basis, we can help you apply our technologies and integrate them into your products or processes. These services are part of our commitment to support to our current or prospective partners and licensees.

We can help you identify the most promising applications of AristoTechnics technologies for your industry or markets. We also can help you customize our technologies, turning them into unique product advantages that will help you succeed in a competitive marketplace.

We offer more than 20 years of practical, successful experience in creating new ideas, developing new products, and designing and implementing new processes. We cover a broad spectrum of disciplines, including transportation engineering, machine tools, automation systems, architecture, and furniture design.

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Flexible Arrangements

We want to help our clients and licensees succeed in using our technologies as quickly as possible. Consequently, we can arrange (on a case-by-case basis) to defer portions of payment of consulting fees until a later date — in consideration of a binding commitment to sign a licensing agreement with us.

This kind of arrangement can be made either before or shortly after completion of a consulting contract.

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Services Request Form

This form should take about five minutes to complete. Please remember to click the submit button at the end of the form before you leave this page — your information will not be retained for later submission.

None of these fields are required in order to submit this form. However, we would appreciate your complete information (especially your e-mail address) so that we can respond to you promptly.

I am a: Manufacturer  Distributor  Representative
New venture?   Yes
Year established:
Primary industry:
 Please call me to discuss this further.
Web site:

St. address:
Please check the consulting services that interest you:
Evaluation of current product strategy
Assessment of current products or processes
Help with solving significant current technical problems.
Feasibility study (to see whether a new technology will "fit")
Creating a new-technology implementation plan
Improving an existing technology by integrating a new technology
Developing new products or processes using a new technology

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