AristoTechnics, Inc. - Technology licensing and consulting, mechanical joining methods and modular systems
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For Licensing Agents
Working with us | Request form

Working with Us

If you're interested in selling licensing agreements (on behalf of AristoTechnics) for any of our technologies or trademarks, please fill out the form below.

What we look for in our agents: AristoTechnics technologies have multiple applications in many industries. Therefore, our agents must have broad technical knowledge, as well as cross-functional vision. We recruit highly networked and technically competent agents — people who have successfully sold similar technologies and ideas to executive-level decision makers.

Commission rates and terms are negotiated on a case-by-case basis. We are committed to providing all possible support, and we can be flexible and cooperative in our negotiations.

Request Form

This form should take about five minutes to complete. Please remember to click the submit button at the end of the form before you leave this page — your information will not be retained for later submission.

None of these fields are required in order to submit this form. However, we would appreciate your complete information (especially your e-mail address) so that we can process your request better and faster.

Please note: We require that an authorized representative of your company first sign our standard non-disclosure agreement before we send the information you request, or provide you with direct contact to our development team. If you haven't yet filled out this agreement, please do so now: non-disclosure agreement

I have signed your non-disclosure agreement. (If not, you must do so before completing this form. See note above.)

I am a: Manufacturer  Distributor  Representative  Sales agent
New venture?   Yes
Year established:
Primary industry:
 Please call me to discuss this further.
Web site:

St. address:

Please check all that apply:

I am interested in selling your technologies, specifically:
 AristoFlex  AristoLock  AristoWood  AristoSet

I am interested in selling your trademarks, specifically:
 AristoFlex  AristoLock  AristoWood  AristoSet

 I have questions about your technologies.

I know prospects who are seeking specific expertise help solving a technical problem.

I know prospects who seek expertise in other technologies to improve an existing product or process.

I know prospects who seek to create entirely new products and processes.


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